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Open Source Friday: Dynectastic

We use the awesome Dynect service to shard our Beanstalk accounts between several SVN clusters and for other nice stuff as well. Recently they deprecated their SOAP API that we've been using for a while, so they asked us to switch to their new version of the SOAP or REST API. Unfortunately I couldn't find any Ruby library that would provide everything we needed for our integration, so I set to write our own. Meet Dynectastic! The library allows you to manage zones, nodes and records. What's cool about Dynectastic is that it supports Jobs. When some request is taking too much time to complete, Dynect creates a Job object for it and returns it's identifier. It works nicely with Dynectastic. Another cool feature is automatic retry of your request when Dynect is busy. The gem was released last monday, but I decided to wait a bit before announcing it to catch possible bugs.

Beanstalk is now using Dynectastic daily to create/delete dozens of records and nodes. You can find all the information you need in the README file. As always, don't hesitate to send patches and pull requests if you know how to improve Dynectastic. Happy coding!